Built to solve today's retail development problems

Transform the way you manage your business with SiteRise, the all-in-one solution designed to streamline your retail expansion from site selection to construction to store opening. With its comprehensive suite of features, SiteRise empowers you to take control of your business's location management, communications, document management and insights to open new locations faster than ever.

Working with siloed location data?

Storing your drawings, lease, documents, timelines, etc in different places for every location will drive you crazy. We know, we have done it!

We built the SiteRise Portfolio Master to finally eliminate siloed data across development teams and create new standard for portfolio management. 

Build Your Single Source of Truth
Tired of spreadsheet based timelines?

Still using local or cloud spreadsheets to handle your project timelines? Why? 99% are not built for retail development. That’s like using a fax machine to communicate today, it still works but it's not efficient.

It’s 2024, you need a platform built specifically for retail construction and management.

Enter Dynamic Project Timelines
Manually updating weekly reports?

We believe you can’t build true transparency between teams with weekly reports so we don’t use them here at SiteRise.

Our reporting modules are updated live on a custom dashboard and show you the KPIs you and your team want to see at any time you want to see them.

Say Goodnight to Weekly Reports
Overpiced construction tools?

Tired of using the same general contractor focused development tools on every project then losing the data once it's complete?

We took a fresh approach and rebuilt the core day to day tools you are familiar with: RFIs, Change Orders and Punch Lists all built natively into the SiteRise platform.

Owner Focused Construction Toolbox
Out of date project photos?

Are you always searching or begging your project managers for updated project photos? Can't remember which shared drive or folder they are in?

Leave your phone album for the baby pics and graduation videos, use SiteRise to upload project related photos directly to the specific development project.

Unlimited Document Storage
Struggling to control budgets?

Budgeting can suck but we are trying to make it suck less. Our integrated budgeting allows you to build and dynamically manage a development budget throughout a project's lifecycle.

Ditch the complex spreadsheets and get more insight into actuals vs. budgeted across your portfolio.

Time Saving Integrated Budgeting

The ultimate solution for retail expansion

Brands on SiteRise Open Locations up to 20% Faster

10+ core tools specifically designed to help owners and operators streamline their retail development process.  

Project Management

Powerful easy to use template based project planning and schedule management tool.

Allowing you and your team to stay on top of deadlines with automated re-scheduling and easily collaborate with outside vendors through real-time updates and document sharing.

Construction Toolbox

Reduce your dependency on costly day to day construction heavy platforms and use the SR Construction Tools.

A fresh take on RFIs, Change Orders and Punch Lists to help you as the owner identify costly trends and maximizes budgets across all your development projects.

Location Master

SR Location Master gives you and your team a birds eye view on all your current and planned locations.

Built to be your single source of truth for all key data points and eliminate the constant location based questions and data duplication across real estate, construction and NSO teams.

World Class Reporting

SR Executive Reporting module is designed to eliminate weekly real estate an development status updates and manual reporting updating.

Your reports are turned into dashboards and your KPIs are updated live so you and your team can see where any project, budget or timeline is at any moment.

Multi-Team Comms

Inside our PM module,  internal and external teams can collaborate, chat, and share files/photos in one place without worrying about permissions.

It's time to break down silos and bridge communication gaps because we believe increased transparency = increased revenue!

Integrated Budgeting

Simplify and streamline your budget management process with our template based budgeting module. You can effortlessly create, track, and manage budgets at the project level.

Budgets inside SiteRise are also collaborative eliminating the need to share complex spreadsheets between multiple teams.

DMS + Version Control

From real estate flyers to architect drawings and lease documents. All your important data lives in SiteRise at a location and project level.

SR DMS features a robust preview tool letting you view 100s of file types including full CAD files and every page of PDFs. Plus grab the right file every time with built in version control.

Unlimited Project Photos

Our team has spent years in the field taking 1000s of photos on different projects, only to lose them in the depths of the camera roll.

We designed our photo tool to save your sanity and help your organize all your build photos at the project level, all from your mobile device in the field.

Custom Integrations

From day one we wanted to build a platform for brands and retailers of any size so we knew that meant it had to be flexible since every company is builds their own way.

So SiteRise is one of the only development platforms built on an open api meaning you can connect 99% of your existing software/tools with ease!

See the Platform in Action

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See how SiteRise can help build your single source of truth and streamline your entire development process.

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