June 17, 2024
5 Common Mistakes in Retail Construction Reporting
We have worked with 200+ brands over the last 3 years building SiteRise and here are the Top 5 mistakes we see when teams setup their retail development reporting.

We have worked with 200+ brands over the last 3 years building SiteRise and here are the Top 5 mistakes we see when teams setup their retail development reporting:

1. Manual Labor Maze
Manually compiling reports through spreadsheets, emails, and slide decks consumes invaluable time. This not only slows down the decision-making process but can also lead to human error as your real estate team might use one term and construction uses another for the same metric, rendering the data less reliable.

2. Silos of Isolation
When each team relies on its own set of reports and KPIs creating silos and barriers to communication and alignment. This disjointed approach can lead to conflicting data, strategies and inefficiencies across the company.

3. Transparency Fog
Similar to #2, lack of transparency in reporting is a frequent headache for many retail teams. Team members constantly asking where and how accurate simple data is open dates, addresses and store revenue will drive everyone crazy and create distrust within the company.

4. Resource Drought
Retail teams are often expected to do more with less, working within tight budgets and limited access to data/reporting resources. This constraint can lead to shortcuts in analysis and an over-reliance on outdated or superficial data.

5. Scaling Blinders
When teams are in scale mode (building 10+ locations per year), it’s easy to lose focus on critical KPIs like cost to schedule impact and planned time vs actual time. We often hear ‘that’s the cost of doing business’ or ‘growing pains’ but it doesn’t have to be if you set up the right foundation from the beginning.

Ready to get started?

The SiteRise team is ready to help your team take your retail projects to the next level.