June 27, 2024
New Integration: OxBlue Cameras
In our latest integration, you can now add your OxBlue camera feeds directly on your project pages in SiteRise.

Introducing our new OxBlue Camera integration!

Our mission is to make retail construction seamless. With this integration, you can now:

☑ Reduce site visits + travel costs
☑ Enhance team transparency
☑ Spot costly errors before they occur
☑ Streamline all your construction tools into one platform
☑ Access real-time project updates

Cameras are integrated and sync'd at the project level so you can add as many cameras as you want per site!

Message us and we can show you how to integrate OxBlue and 100s of our tools directly on your projects in SiteRise today.

Ready to get started?

The SiteRise team is ready to help your team take your retail projects to the next level.